Saturday, October 30, 2010

Holy thrifty find!

It was one of those finds where you look around the store to see if you are on candid camera or something. I took the tag right off and RAN to the check out.

Headboard, footboard and rails.

Ten dollars. Ten! This bed is pretty much why I check Salvation Army twice a week. It will go in Ellie's new room. She's still in her crib converted to a toddler bed so she needs a regular bed soon. I plan on just putting a piece of thick plywood over the rails then the mattress (which I did not and would not buy second hand) over that so she's not too far off the ground.

Ten buck, people!

I was going to go white. But her walls will be soft yellow. Now I'm thinking bright yellow. If she hates it, I can always paint it again, right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please come thrift shop with me. I need your mad skilz!