Friday, December 17, 2010

Ellie's room is almost ready!

This poor bookshelf. It just can't find a home. First it was in the entry way, then the spare room. But Ellie doesn't need it. So we moved it to the master bedroom. The girls think that moving it is a great game! I let them take all the books out, and then they carry them to the new spot for me.

I got the curtains up. Now I need to take them down, iron them and attach the hemming tape that came with them.

I couldn't paint the window itself. It will have to wait for spring when I can leave it open for more than 30 seconds. I got the dresser upstairs. I got the changing table moved back in. I'm hoping we can get a mattress this weekend. We are planning on getting it home in John's truck, and it is currently full of snow.

Still left to do: get all the junk of the the closet (including that big dresser which has Ellie's clothes in it) and hang the closet doors. Paint the back of the door to the room and hang it. Then I'll give both sides of it a final coat of paint. After that, Ellie can move in. I still need to get some art or something, and a bigger rug. Oh, and make a bed skirt as I cannot find one locally.

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